da Live Stage
Developing Talent
Operation & Safety Guidelines
Putting Your Safety First
We encourage all our studio guests to follow CDC guidelines and local directives to wear face coverings while indoors at da Live Stage. Face coverings are optional while outdoors. We also encourage all guests to keep a safe distance between travel parties, and we remain focused on maintaining the highest cleanliness and sanitization standards.
Here are the latest safety updates for your visit.
We encourage all studio guests – regardless of vaccination status – to wear face coverings while indoors
We do not require proof of vaccinations
We encourage all studio guests to keep a safe distance between travel parties
We remain focused on maintaining the highest cleanliness and sanitization standards
Each guest must confirm the following before visiting:
You are not feeling sick or experiencing flu-like symptoms such as Fever and/or
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle pain
Sore throat
New loss of taste or smell
You have not been in contact with someone with known or suspected COVID-19 symptoms
You are not under any self-quarantine orders
If you cannot confirm all the above, you must refrain from visiting. For more information, please visit www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/prevention.html
We ask that all studio guests continue to comply with the following:

Face covering guidelines
Face coverings are encouraged for all studio guests while indoors and are optional while outdoors.
Wash hands often
Wash your hands with soap and water often for at least 20 seconds.

Social distancing
We encourage all studio guests to keep a safe distance between your travel party and others.

Avoid contact with people who are sick
Contact with people who are sick may cause you to be infectious and spread illness to others

Hand sanitizer available
Hand sanitizer will be available for use prior to entering the studio, as well as in other areas around the studio

Follow Team Member direction
Please follow directions from our team members and have patience as we work through these new operational procedures.
Please note that The CDC advises that older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions might be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. Guests should evaluate their risk in determining whether to come to da Live Stage studio. People who show no symptoms can spread COVID-19 if they are infected, any interaction with the general public poses an elevated risk of being exposed to COVID-19, and we cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed during your visit.
We appreciate your cooperation during this unprecedented time.